What is IBS?
IBS is a common functional gut condition that affects the digestive system.
Symptoms vary but can include:
Abdominal Pain
Excessive wind
Can you help me with my IBS?
Yes! IBS is one of the areas I specialise in. IBS can be effectively managed and controlled by the appropriate intervention and support.
My aim is to help you achieve this.
How will you help me to manage my IBS?
There are a number of different dietary interventions for IBS, the condition is very individual and the plan will depend on your particular symptoms.
My support is personalised to you.
The low FODMAP diet may be appropriate for you or we may consider other exclusion diets or my 'Simplified Low FODMAP diet'.
If we feel you may be intolerant to particular foods, then this can also be explored.
Please find more information below on my IBS support.
I'm Gaby, a fully qualified and regulated Dietitian, based in West Bridgford
My aim is to support you to successfully manage your health and FEEL BETTER.
What's involved in your IBS support?
Before our first appointment I will ask you to complete a food diary for a few days and I analyse this before the appointment.
The food diary combined with information I collect from you, will help me begin to decide on the right approach for you.
At the initial appointment we will discuss your IBS history further and I will help you ensure you have had all the necessary and relevant tests carried out.
Sometimes I may suggest additional tests or investigations are carried out.
Will your IBS support help me?
My aim is to help you effectively manage your IBS and find satisfactory relief from your symptoms.
IBS is a very individual condition and with this sometimes unpredictable, however I aim to;
​Help you identify causes of your symptoms including identifying any food intolerances.
Help you effectively manage your condition and symptoms.
Help you feel better and more confident to manage your condition.
IBS management is a process and there are a number of different dietary treatment options we can explore including food intolerances, the low FODMAP diet, other exclusion diets, fibre intake and probiotics.
There are many options and possible avenues to explore.
What are your fees?
My IBS package is £299 for 3 appointments.
This includes:
Analysis of your food and symptom diary prior to the initial appointment.
Initial 1 hr consultation.
Two review consultations.
Email support in-between appointments.
Email support up to 6 weeks after your last appointment.
The package also includes;
A full report and personalised plan.
All resources you need.
Initial Consultation
£120 for 1 hour
2 appointment package
Initial appointment + a review appointment £195.
Plus support in-between appointments.
IBS/Gut Health package
3 appointment package £299.
Plus support in-between appointments.
Intuitive eating package
Five clinical appointments (including an initial 90 minute appointment) £399

Gaby is a brilliant dietitian.
She's given me the time I needed to review all my symptoms in so much detail, gave me a ton of options to explore and a precise report.
I highly recommend her and don't know how else I could carry on with my IBS otherwise.
- Claire

As a registered Dietitian and Nutritionist, you can be assured I’m an expert in nutrition.
HCPC & British Dietetic Association member
Registered nutritionist & dietitian based in West Bridgford, Nottinghamshire.